Members of a Huddersfield women’s institute branch have come up with a peach of an idea.
And they hope it will bear fruit at national level.
They want to pick fruit from people’s gardens, give the householder half of it back, keep half themselves and then make it into jam to sell.
The proceeds will be used by Holmfirth WI to fund the planting of fruit trees around the area.
The idea is already on a shortlist of eight to be considered for a national WI campaign.
But, in the meantime, Holmfirth ladies are getting on with the job.
President Michelle Brown said: “Each year the WI nationally has a resolution it works on.
“Holmfirth members Geraldine Clark and Greta Bradley were talking one day and mentioned an idea we could put forward for consideration.
“We realised we import about 88% of our fruit and yet home-grown fruit is lying around to go rotten.
“We decided we should look at people who have fruit in their gardens that we can see. We would then pick the fruit, give half to the householder and keep half ourselves to make jam. The proceeds of selling the jam could then be used to spend on fruit-tree planting around the area so people can pick it themselves.
