Our AGM was extremely well attended last night with over 50 members, 2 visitors and 3 brand new members present. We also had a special visit from Rosemary Pearson who is the West Yorkshire Federation Chairman. Our evening started with our usual business and recap of what we'd done during the last month. We are using our noticeboard more to ensure that we are fully inclusive and our So Crafty group presented their finished blanket which will be shortly be shipped over to Ukraine. Our President, Treasurer and Secretary gave their annual reports and then our members voted in our new President, Hermione. We thanked Sarah for all her hard work as President, presented her with some raspberry canes and we said thank you to Carol and Jenny for their valued work on the Committee and presented them each with a WI Rose. We ended our AGM meeting with our Committee welcoming 2 new members and all our members voted for our current Committee to continue doing their amazing work. A very successful AGM.
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