This resolution is about creating a fruit growing revival in private and public spaces that celebrates our WI roots and helps make our communities more sustainable.
We need people to help please, so if you:
Identify fruit to be picked please can you print off and distribute the flier attached in your neighbourhood or contact Greta directly on 07974493084 or
Want to help pick fruit – please email Sandy at
Are willing to make jam, preserves, chutney & freeze fruit if necessary – please contact Geraldine on 07769703660
Can collect jam jars & bottles – please contact Geraldine on 07769703660
Would like to get involved as a volunteer to help manage any of the above please contact any of the above to help.
It’s hoped that this venture will run on co-operative lines and there will be a proportionate fruit distribution to fruit owners, pickers and jammers. So, for example, a suggestion is that fruit owners may keep up to a half of their harvest we pick; from the amount we receive, pickers keep about a third of what they pick; and jammers about half of what they produce. The produce will be stored by Teresa and sold at WI meetings and linked events. The proceeds will be used to purchase and plant communal fruit trees in public places within the Holme Valley.
Finally as part of The Fruit Revival we’re planning:
A group blackberry picking picnic event in a few weeks time – I’ll send details shortly.
A group jam and preserve making night at Holmfirth High School. They have kindly offered their facilities for us to use.
Best regards
Greta Bradley, Holmfirth WI Member
Michelle Brown, President Holmfirth WI
