The Committee have been working hard, yet again, on rejigging the sub-groups. We've decided to remove the Biking and Climate Change groups as they are no longer used, and we've created a new 'Craft' group for those who attend our craft evenings and may want to plan car share or make suggestions for future craft sessions, or just natter about craft. We have a new 'Something Social' group for those of you who may fancy going to the Theatre/Cinema/Exhibition but don't want to go alone - just do a shout out on this group for a buddy. We also have a 'Wandering Woofs' group for those members who fancy a walk under 3 miles that would also be suitable for dogs - you don't have to have a dog but all dogs would be welcome on these walks: just do a shout out of where you're going walking and you should get some company. Our final new group is the 'Craft & Natter' for those of you who can't wait until your next meet up. You can use this group to ask for advice or share your latest project or just arrange car share to your next meeting. All sign up information is in the Members Only section of the website:
